Health and security measures
Apart Furcletta in Ischgl
To ensure a safe winter holiday in Ischgl, we recommend checking in online to reduce contact at reception.
The apartments and rooms and all guest areas are cleaned and generally disinfected daily, taking into account the current regulations. Sanitiser dispensers are available in all busy common areas.
- Contactless checkIn/checkOut
- Non-cash payment possible
- Separation or physical barriere between staff and guests in corresponding areas
- Distance rules are kept
- Employees are informed about prevention and hygiene measures and correct behaviour when Covid19 symptoms or infections appear
- Sensitizing of employees to meet min. distance rules
- Regular Covid19 tests for employees that have direct guest contact
- Staff follows all security rules of the local authorities
- Procedure for health checks of guests available
- First aid kit available
- Participation for vaccinated, recovered or negatively tested persons only
- Bedlinen, towels and laundry are washed according to rules of local authorities
- Regular ventilation of commonly accessible areas
- Rooms are cleaned most thoroughly after every guest departure, in particular often touched items
- Guests may ask for no room cleaning during their stay
- Checklists how to clean rooms - during stay and after departure
- Usage of cleansers that are effective against Corona Virus
- Disinfection of often touched items and surfaces
- Room cleaning includes ventilation, change of cleaning tissues and disinfection of gloves after every room
- Laundry is washed at highest temperature that is allowed by producer
- One-way gloves for guests at the buffet
- Compliance of distance in all food areas
- All plates and dishes, cutlery, glasses are disinfected
- Storing of staff roster for four weeks
- Registering of guest contact data at the checkIn that may be relevant in case of infection - when guest agrees